The Office of Residential Life and Health Services at Allen University serves as the hub for all aspects related to on-campus housing. This office plays a critical role in administering and managing the various residence halls and orchestrating a broad array of programs, services, and activities designed to enrich your living experience on campus. At the core of our mission is the aim to cultivate personal growth and development. Through a variety of in-residence programs, academic enrichment opportunities, social events, and health-focused initiatives, we strive to create an environment that is not just conducive to academic achievement but also to holistic well-being. As a student resident, you will find ample support and encouragement to take on responsibilities that will aid your transition to independent living and adulthood.

In addition to nurturing personal and academic growth, a prime focus of Residential Life and Health Services is to sustain the physical infrastructure of the residence halls. We take meticulous care to maintain each building at peak performance, ensuring it meets high standards of safety, cleanliness, and comfort. Whether it’s routine maintenance or emergency repairs, our dedicated staff works around the clock to keep the residence halls in optimal condition. State-of-the-art safety measures and security protocols are in place to offer a peaceful and secure setting.

Residential life is more than just a place to sleep; it’s a cornerstone of your educational journey. Our team understands this deeply and is committed to making your time in the residence halls a rich and fulfilling experience. We believe that living on campus offers invaluable lessons in community building, leadership, and interpersonal skills—elements that are instrumental in shaping you both as a student and as an individual.

So, whether you are residing in a traditional dormitory or a more modern suite-style accommodation, our promise remains the same: to offer a living space that is not just clean and safe but also conducive to your growth in every dimension—be it academic, social, or personal. We invite you to explore the multitude of opportunities for engagement, learning, and personal development that come with living in Allen University’s residence halls. Our dedicated and professional staff is here to assist you every step of the way, making your residential life a memorable chapter in your overall college experience.

Residential life on campus is not just your home away from home—it's a vibrant learning community where friendships are forged, minds are nurtured, and the journey to self-discovery is embarked upon all under one roof. Living on campus is convenient, affordable, and fun!

Contact Us

Office of Residential Life and Health Services

Mrs. Feaster-Johnson

1530 Harden Street Columbia, S.C. 29204

Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Phone: (803) 376-5732

Residence Halls

Reid Hall: (803) 376-5730

Higgins Hall: (803) 758-2701

Preston Warren Williams (PWW): (803) 765-6031

Wilma Delores Webb Williams (WDWW): (803) 376-5943

Richard Allen Apartments: (803) 376-5732